Trees in spring, grass in summer, and/or weeds in fall.
- Monitor the pollen counts so you know when your pollen allergies are in the air www.aaai.org/nab
- Minimize outdoor activity between 5am-10am (pollen counts are highest then)
- Keep car windows closed and use the “Return Air” function of air conditioner
- Keep house windows closed

Dust Mites
Dust Mites live in the mattress, box spring, pillows,carpets, and upholstered furniture.
- Place dust mite proof covers/encasings on mattress, pillows, and box spring
- Remove stuffed animals and extra pillows from the bed
- Wash sheets, bed linens, and bedclothes in hot water each week
- Vacuum carpets each week (ideally have someone else vacuum or wear a mask)
- Consider getting a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner
- Reduce humidity in the house to < 60% using an air conditioner or a dehumidifier

Outdoor Mold
- Mold is most abundant in the late summer and fall and grows in damp or humid places
- Avoid compost piles, decaying leaf piles, excavation sites and mulch
- Mowing the grass can stir up mold living in the grass down along the dirt
- Raking leaves stirs up the mold living under the leaves
Indoor Mold
- Mold can grow in wet, damp, and/or poorly ventilated areas like bathrooms, kitchens, and basements, or other places with water.
- Fix any known water leaks and remove mold-damaged building materials
- Clean visible mold with dilute bleach solution : 1 cup bleach to 1 gallon water
- Reduce humidity in the house to <60% using your AC or a dehumidifier
- Consider getting a room air purifier for the bedroom (i.e. HEPA filter) or a whole house air filtration system
- CAUTION with humidifiers: If you decide to use one, you must clean and/or replace the filters VERY FREQUENTLY.

When it comes to allergies... we are pet friendly.
Animal Dander
- Keep pets out of the bedroom at all times (daytime too)
- Keep pets off of furniture and counter tops
- Consider getting a room air purifier for the bedroom (i.e. HEPA filter) or a whole house air filtration system
- More frequent bathing of your pets can help
- Groom your pets outdoors
- Wash hands after touching pets