Hearing Center - Audiology
Audiologists are healthcare professionals who evaluate, diagnose, treat, and manage hearing loss and balance disorders in patients of all ages.
Audiologists at our ENT clinic in Wausau have obtained a Doctor of Audiology degree from an accredited university, and are licensed in the state of Wisconsin.
Our hearing center in Wausau provides the following services:
- Prescribe & Custom Fit Hearing Aids
- Repair & Adjust Hearing Aids
- Perform Diagnostic Hearing Tests
- Perform Balance Tests
- Design Hearing Conservation Programs
- Perform Newborn Hearing Screenings
- Provide Custom Ear Protection
Hearing Loss - Early Diagnosis and Treatment
Approximately 30 million Americans suffer from hearing loss.
Hearing loss is one of the most common health issues in adults. Just like reading glasses help our eyes see, hearing aids help us to hear a conversation.
Untreated hearing loss can lead to irritability, anger, fatigue, stress, avoidance or withdrawal from social situations, impaired memory function, and reduced job performance.

Signs of Hearing Loss
If you or a loved one have noticed two or more of the following signs, schedule an appointment with one of our audiologists for a diagnostic hearing test.
These are the most common signs of hearing loss:
- Difficulty understanding what people are saying in noisy environments
- Notice that people seem to "mumble"
- Difficulty hearing or understanding friends or family when they are facing away from you
- Difficulty following conversations that involve more than two people
- Family members tell you that the T.V. volume is too high
- Withdrawing from social activities
- Smiling or nodding during conversations or answering questions incorrectly on a regular basis
- Ringing, buzzing or whooshing noises in your ears
- Asking people to repeat themselves
Hearing Tests
The purpose of a test for hearing loss is to determine not only if you have a hearing loss, but how mild or severe it is. A thorough hearing test can also help define the type of hearing loss you have: conductive, sensorineural, or mixed and whether it will respond best to medical treatment, hearing aids, bone-anchored hearing systems, or cochlear implants.

Hearing Aids
Patients with hearing impairments that cannot be helped by medicine or surgery can be prescribed hearing aids and have them custom-fit, adjusted, and repaired. Separate appointments for evaluation, custom ear molds, and follow-up counseling may be required.

ENT & Allergy Associates now offers Cochlear Implant Surgery

Speech Delay
Concerns about your child's speech and language development? A speech-language pathologist should be consulted for a full evaluation. This involves a series of tests that will be used to assess your child’s receptive language and expressive language skills, sound development, speech clarity and oral-motor skills. Speech therapy may be recommended to help your child develop the skills necessary for effective communication.
Contact Us
Please call ENT & Allergy Associates - Wausau Hearing Center for all appointments or questions.